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中国水科院水力学所邀请国际水管理研究院(IWMI)蔡学良研究员做学术报告 中国水科院水力学所邀请国际水管理研究院(IWMI)蔡学良研究员做学术报告
发布时间: 2015-07-13    来源: 中国水科院






  联 系 人:刘  慧  游艳丽

  联系电话:68781050  68786350



  Xueliang Cai is an irrigation engineer and Remote sensing/GIS expert with over 10 years’ international working experience. He has been working on a range of issues related to water resources management for irrigated agriculture and ecosystems. He currently leads two projects at IWMI: Ecological footprint of food security: mapping irrigated area rainfed areas in Asia and Africa, which involves all IWMI offices across Asia and Africa; and the hydrological component of irrigation studies in five African countries as part of an EU FP7 program. His past experiences includes leading role to investigate small storages for integrated irrigation and aquaculture to enhance climate resilience in Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique; Water resources management for equitable access for small holder irrigation in Zimbabwe; and assessment of hydrological functions of ecosystems in Zambezi and Volta basins. He has conducted agricultural water productivity assessment for the Indus-Ganges, Limpopo and Syr Darya basins, for which a 2011 paper has won him the Best Paper for the IWRA journal Water International. Xueliang obtained his PhD degree from the Wuhan University, China. He is a proficient programmer with registered copyrights. Actively engaged in academic and professional networks, he is an associate editor of Agricultural Water Management, a past associate editor of Water International, and reviewer of several leading water and remote sensing journals. He also regularly serves as reviewers for several international funds.


地址:北京市海淀区复兴路甲1号,100038 | 电话: 010-68781050,010-68781559
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